Community Grants for Nonprofits

Funding opportunities are available at different times and with different criteria. Please check here for all grant rounds that are available at this time. New ones are posted throughout the year.


Submit a Funding Opportunity!

Our funding opportunities catalog is a new online directory of needs submitted to us by nonprofit organizations. We share these opportunities with our fundholders and other funding partners in hopes of their support. The catalog includes a brief summary about the organization and the project, program, or other need for which they are requesting support.

Requests should be for projects and programs with an immediate need for funding over the next 3-6 months of $2,500 or less, not including general support. Organizations can submit more than one request.

Equity Grant Round

April 30

The Equity Grant Round, powered by the Community Foundation and UpMobility Foundation, focuses on the fundamental causes of systemic racism and socioeconomic inequity that impact historically marginalized populations in Herkimer and Oneida counties*. Nonprofit organizations serving the two counties can apply for up to $20,000 in funding for projects and programs that seek to:

  • Effect policy and systems changes that address the origins of inequality and inequity, and foster inclusive environments that empower individuals from all backgrounds to thrive. This includes, but is not limited to, programs and projects related to education, economic stability, housing, healthcare, and food insecurity that are grounded in supporting and enhancing diverse communities.

  • Supports the following types of projects that promote community impact, capacity building and diversity:

    • Programs – support for new and innovative service delivery programs, or the expansion of proven existing programs

    • Organizational Development – capacity building efforts around strategic planning, board development and succession planning

    • Capital Projects – including but not limited to repairs and replacements, technology upgrades, and equipment/furnishing purchases

 Important Deadlines

  • Submissions will be accepted Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - Wednesday, April 30, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.
  • Award notifications will be made within 60 days of the submission deadline. All applicants will be notified regardless of whether they receive funding.


  • Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, an organization with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor, government entity, or a faith-based organization seeking support for projects/programs that address non-religious needs or issues, serving diverse constituencies without regard to religious affiliation.
  • Requested funding must serve Herkimer and/or Oneida county residents.*
  • New programs or projects in need of funding must begin no earlier than May 2025. If your request is for an existing or ongoing program/project, all expenses incurred prior to May do not qualify for funding.
  • All programs/projects should have identifiable and measurable outcomes with a definitive timeline for completion or outcomes to be achieved.
  • Priority will be given to applications from groups, led by persons of color, that focus on racial equity and social justice issues and/or related, causal issues; and organizations engaged in efforts grounded in supporting and enhancing diverse communities.
  • Only one request will be accepted per organization.

Ineligible Funding Requests

  • Financial assistance, scholarships, or loans to individuals 
  • Funding for religious or faith-based-specific programming  
  • General operating support
  • DEI and similar educational/awareness programs
  • Expenses already incurred (projects in progress or already completed)

*Please note that UpMobility Foundation will also be considering applications from organizations outside of the Mohawk Valley on an invitation-only basis.

There is no guarantee of funding for applications received.

Key Contact
Olivia Paul
Director of Community Engagement

First Responders Grant Round

June 30

The First Responders Grant Round supports organizations in New York and other states to help meet the education, training, lifesaving equipment and mental health needs of fire, emergency medical services (EMS), and law enforcement agencies. Organizations may apply for up to $1,500 in funding.

 Important Deadlines

  • Submissions will be accepted Sunday, June 1, 2025 - Monday, June 30, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.
  • Award notifications will be made in July.


  • Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, an organization with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor, government entity, or a faith-based organization seeking support for projects/programs that address non-religious needs or issues, serving diverse constituencies without regard to religious affiliation
  • Program or project will directly support the education, training, lifesaving equipment and mental health needs of first responders
  • All grant funds will be used for direct program expenses
  • Only one request will be accepted per organization

This grant round is made possible by the Hero Fund America Fund.

Key Contact
Olivia Paul
Director of Community Engagement

Adirondack League Club Grant Round for Old Forge

July 31

The Adirondack League Club Grant Round for Old Forge supports nonprofit organizations that have programs and projects that directly serve Old Forge, the Town of Webb, and/or the Adirondack Region. This grant round is open to nonprofit organizations by invitation only

The mission of the Adirondack League Club Community Fund, a donor-advised fund of the Community Foundation, is to enhance the vitality of communities in the two counties by providing financial support to nonprofit organizations that contribute to the quality of life and well-being of residents. Awards from the fund support programs and projects that:

  • Offer the greatest opportunity for positive and significant change in the community
  • Address and provide creative solutions for longstanding or emerging community issues
  • Result in outcomes that will make a difference
  • Leverage investment of other community resources
  • Improve the quality or scope of charitable works in the community

Important Deadlines

  • Submissions will be accepted Tuesday, July 1, 2025 - Thursday, July 31, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.


  • Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, an organization with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor, government entity, or a faith-based organization seeking support for projects/programs that address non-religious needs or issues, serving diverse constituencies without regard to religious affiliation.
  • New programs or projects in need of funding must begin no earlier than July 2025. If your request is for an existing or ongoing program/project, all expenses incurred prior to July do not qualify for funding. All programs/projects should have identifiable and measurable outcomes with a definitive timeline for completion or outcomes to be achieved.

Please contact Development & Fundholder Engagement Strategist Ely Arnone-Earl,, with questions about eligibility.

Key Contact
Elyssa Arnone-Earl
Development & Fundholder Engagement Strategist

Helpful Harvest Grant Round

September 30

To help nonprofits meeting increased Herkimer and Oneida county resident need stemming from economic difficulty and food insecurity, the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties has established the Helpful Harvest Fund. To ensure the greatest possible impact for the fund’s awards, the Community Foundation seeks applications from human service organizations including, but not limited to, food pantries, soup kitchens, and/or shelters. Our goal is to support those groups in greatest need and/or those serving the greatest number of residents during November and December.

Important Deadlines 

  • Submissions will be accepted Monday, September 1, 2025 - Tuesday, September 30, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.
  • Award notifications will be made in October.


  • Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, an organization with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor, government entity, or a faith-based organization seeking support for projects/programs that address non-religious needs or issues, serving diverse constituencies without regard to religious affiliation
  • Requested funding must serve Herkimer and/or Oneida county residents
  • Preference will be given to human service organizations, food pantries, soup kitchens, and/or shelters
  • Only one request will be accepted per organization

Please note that applications submitted through this grant round may be shared with Community Foundation fundholders as potential funding opportunities that they may choose to support. There is no guarantee of funding for applications received.

Key Contact
Olivia Paul
Director of Community Engagement
Email Call
Community Foundation
2608 Genesee Street
Utica, NY 13502


8 AM - 5PM
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8 AM - 5PM
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8 AM - 5PM
8 AM - 5PM