Recent Community Investments
Every year we invest millions of dollars in our two-county community through nonprofit partners. We are committed to creating sustained positive impact that meets resident and family needs, strengthens neighborhoods, and builds a vibrant two-county community with opportunity for all. The grants highlighted here are only a small reflection of the hundreds of investments made each year to illustrate the range and reach of our commitment to the Mohawk Valley.

Challenge grant for start-up funding for Rome facility

Digital equipment and personnel costs for the Mohawk Valley Legacy Arts Program

ADKX educational program offerings

Rural law initiative

Replacement of youth goals and nets

Parking lot paving

Artspace Utica predevelopment support for mixed-use artist housing

Board liaison

Boilermaker Kids in Training After School Program

Parkitects playground

Renovations to shower house at Camp Kingsley

Basic needs assistance for Town of Webb residents impacted by COVID-19
Are you a nonprofit organization that needs help?
If your work could benefit from financial or other support, get in touch so we can discuss ways we can help.