Workforce Development
Growing opportunities for greater expansion of our evolving cradle-to-career workforce pipeline, from traditional pathways to innovative and emerging ways toward economic success.
Finding Ways to Learn, to Work, to Succeed
In ways too many to list here, our community is a great place—and that’s no secret to those of us fortunate enough to have found success here. But we can do better, and we have room to grow. That’s why, with local governments and economic development partners like Mohawk Valley EDGE, we’re putting new emphasis on enhancing cradle-to-career and quality-of-life advantages that support all our two counties have to offer. This effort will spread the word and welcome future opportunities.
Recruitment & Retention
Supports emerging and existing programs, tools, and strategies.
Whole-career Focus
Emphasizes both entering and continuing workforce opportunities.
Equity Integration
Embraces equity emphasis goals to strengthen the two-county economy through greater diversity.